Opie Knows Air Conditioning

Stay Prepared (and save money and time)

Nobody wants their air conditioner to break down in the middle of summer, but that’s what they often do. And most people never call until they have a problem. When you call Opie’s Gold to stay ahead of the curve, we can:

  • Eliminate most AC breakdowns
  • Help prevent expensive repairs and replacements
  • Increase your system’s efficiency by 25%
  • Make your system live up to TWICE as long!
Air Conditioner Repair St Joseph

If you’re having air conditioner issues, call 320-298-4444.

Opie’s is standing by 24/7 to help you beat the heat.


The Unknown Factor

Your air conditioner may still be working, but just not working right. You may be losing more money than you would imagine from an inefficient system because:

  • Your thermostat or sensor is broken
  • Your ductwork wasn’t sized properly
  • Your motor or compressor may have failed
  • A dirty filter or evaporator may be the culprit
  • You might just be low on refrigerant

How We Work

We will come out and inspect your system, diagnose what went wrong, and then tell you straight up what the problem is and what your options are.

It may turn out that an Opiefication is the best choice for you if your system just needs some tender, loving care. If buying a new unit is the best solution, one of Opie’s technicians will help you understand your options so you’re able to choose the right unit for you and your family’s needs.


We’ve Got Options:

  • Central air (often the best choice for cooling your whole home)
  • Room units (which may be your best bet if you only need a room or two chilled)
  • A split system (which separates the outdoor compressor and condenser from the indoor component, and may be appropriate if your home is already equipped with proper ductwork)
  • Evaporative coolers (which use evaporated water to cool down air and work best in arid climates)

How Important is it?

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that heating and cooling accounts for nearly 50 percent of the average household’s energy use.

Opie’s Gold technicians will advise you on the most energy-efficient models so you pick the best one for your home. And remember, since so many air conditioning problems are caused by improper installation, Opie’s technicians are trained to ensure your system is installed RIGHT, the first time.

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